Thursday, June 26, 2008

For the week of June 26

The words of the week will be distributed on random days (i.e. whenever I think of it). The word of the week is brought to you by the B and the number 7. The phrase of the week is brought to you by Midol.

WORD OF THE DAY (this week’s theme is words is educational.)- This feature is to expand our vocabulary
bespoke • \bih-SPOHK\ • adjective
*1 : custom-made
2 : dealing in or producing custom-made articles

Orgin: In the English language of yore, the verb "bespeak" had various meanings, including "to speak," "to accuse," and "to complain." In the 16th century, "bespeak" acquired another meaning -- "to order or arrange in advance." It is from that sense that we get the adjective "bespoke," referring to clothes and other things that are ordered before they are made. You are most likely to encounter this adjective in British contexts, such as the recent Reuters news story about a young pig in Northern England who was fitted with "bespoke miniature footwear" (custom-made Wellington boots) to help it overcome a phobia of mud.

Example: Did you see Lauren on stage at the Dannys. I think that was a bespoke dress.

PHRASE OF THE DAY- This feature is so we stay young, hip, and happening.

MacGyver • \Mak Guy Ver \• verb
to solve a problem in a creative, resourceful, typically "jury-rigged" fashion.

Origin: the television show MacGyver, whose protagonist escaped difficult situations in creative ways, using whatever items were at hand. For example: repairing a cut fuel line with a ball-point pen. Can be used as an adjective to describe such a solution. Also MacGyverism, the noun form.

Example: "Oh snap! your button fell off your pants. Let me MacGyver that real quick like."

QUOTE OF THE WEEK- This might be a famous quote, overheard conversation, or something someone said directly. Think US Weekly’s Star’s said page.

"Let me call up Corporate Express and order you some Midol" -Marty Gaines to Buck Rogers when he said he was on his man period.

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